CSS word-break Property
CSS word-break Property
May 25, 2019
The CSS word-break property specifies how words should break when reaching the end of a line.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> p { width: 140px; border: 1px solid #000000; } p.a { word-break: normal; } p.b { word-break: keep-all; } p.c { word-break: break-all; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>word-break: normal (default):</h2> <p class="a"> LoremIpsumissimplydummytextoftheprintingandtypesettingindustry. LoremIpsumissimplydummytextoftheprintingandtypesettingindustry. </p> <h2>word-break: keep-all:</h2> <p class="b"> LoremIpsumissimplydummytextoftheprintingandtypesettingindustry. </p> <h2>word-break: break-all:</h2> <p class="c"> LoremIpsumissimplydummytextoftheprintingandtypesettingindustry. </p> </body> </html>